Definition of Dress rehearsal

1. Noun. A full uninterrupted rehearsal in costumes shortly before the first performance.

Generic synonyms: Dry Run, Rehearsal

Definition of Dress rehearsal

1. Noun. A rehearsal prior to a public spectacle, where all the performers are in costume. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dress Rehearsal

dress-down Friday
dress-up party
dress blues
dress circle
dress coat
dress coats
dress code
dress codes
dress down
dress form
dress hanger
dress hat
dress out
dress rack
dress rehearsal
dress rehearsals
dress shield
dress shields
dress ship
dress shirt
dress shop
dress suit
dress uniform
dress up
dress whites

Literary usage of Dress rehearsal

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Contemporary Review (1898)
"A dress rehearsal OF REBELLION. such it is looked upon by every coloured man in Jamaica) to incite another. Then, as now, the island happened to be passing ..."

2. The Technique of Pageantry by Linwood Taft (1921)
"The full dress rehearsal is not recommended but if it cannot be avoided this ... The two reasons for having a full dress rehearsal, as before suggested, ..."

3. Korea by Angus Hamilton (1904)
"CHAPTER IV The heart of the capital—Domestic Economy—Female slavery —Standards of morality—A dress rehearsal THE inhabitants of the Hermit Kingdom are pe- ..."

4. The Art of Acting and Public Reading: Dramatic Interpretation by Rollo Anson Tallcott (1922)
"The purpose of the dress rehearsal is to accustom the player to his dress; to acquaint him with the dimensions of the final set and readjust himself to ..."

5. My Theatrical and Musical Recollections by Emily Soldene (1897)
"... of the costumiers—What a dress rehearsal does for the performance—Our dress rehearsal—Mr. Morton's opinion of the piece—Flight of Mr. Farnie—Production ..."

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